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What is it all about?

On the trail of the Youth Manifesto, a group of young Italians and Germans with different social backgrounds have been working together over the last weeks, between a conference at Villa Vigoni and several digital meetings, to launch the project 'German-Italian Young Voices active in the electoral campaign for the European Parliament': in the run-up to the European elections in 2024, they will conduct an awareness-raising campaign via social media channels, organise several meetings in Italian and German cities, as well as debates and interviews with politicians and youth organisations.

The aim is to stimulate young people's interest in European politics, in particular with regard to current topics they would like to raise awareness about, such as the climate crisis and sustainability, access to the labour market, (political) education and social inequalities, foreign policy and the relationship between the European institutions and the people.

The project aims to strengthen young people's confidence in European cooperation, solidarity and social cohesion, so that their 'young voices' can be heard in the public debate, towards a free and united Europe, caring for the requirements of all those privileged to be part of it.

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